Posta Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands archipelago consists of 18 islands in the Atlantic Ocean, between Iceland and Scotland. The islands, with approx. 50,000 inhabitants, are a self-governing region of the Danish Kingdom. Only one of these islands is uninhabited, Lítla Dímun, populated solely by sheep and birds.
In 1976 the Danish postal services in the Faroe Islands were formally taken over by the Faroese government. The institution was named Postverk Føroya and the logo was a Ram’s horn. The first Faroese stamps were issued in 1975 and until January 2016 a total number of 821 stamps have been issued. In 2006, the former Postverk Føroya was restructured and became an independent public limited company and in 2009 it got a new name and a new logo - Posta - and many of the traditional functions have been reorganized and adapted to the development of society.

The flora and fauna of the islands as well as art, history and culture, legends and folklore are common stamps and postmark motifs. These beautiful stamps are an good incentive to start collecting stamps of this young stamp-issuing country.

Posta Faroe Islands has celebrated its 40th anniversary on 1st April 2016 and we issued a stamp and a minisheet to record this great event.


You can also contact Mr. Charles Cao, our Official Representative in China, if you have any inquiries concerning stamps of Faroe Islands and the business collaboration.
Mobile: +86-139-1131-6907

Phone: +86-139-1131-6907